Thursday, February 5, 2009

The 500 lb gorilla in my bed

"I wish my wife would lose weight."

"Why can't they understand that the visual attractiveness of their smaller self is part of what drew us in to begin with? When our wives show us they don't care about their bodies, it's almost like they're telling us they don't care about US, our connection. It's nearly impossible for someone to be attracted to a body type they are repulsed by... and then they have the audacity to get mad at US for trying to help them eat better or go to the GYM! I take care of myself for my wife, I see no reason why I don't deserve a spouse who would do the same for me."

These rants brought to you via

Is there a double standard? What if you gained as much weight as your wife has, but still feel resentment because she is no longer attractive? It happens.

And women don't want us to tell them if they're unattractive to us. They don't want us to tell them they've gained weight, they don't want to be told they're "fat"... so how are we supposed to "fix it"????

Dan Savage has some sage words of advice.

I love my wife. We've been married 10 years. Young punk-rock love turned into adult debt-ridden love. She's been there for me, helps me achieve my goals, all that. But she's let herself go, while I've gotten myself into better shape.

I pride myself on being a good husband. I've been 100 percent faithful, I clean, I tell her I love her. I don't want to hurt her. I love her. I just don't lust for her anymore. My wife's skin is a mess, she has dietary issues that cause gnarly gas, she eats bad food that causes her to gain weight. I always thought I was against the society-imposed, magazine-model, porn-star look girls are supposed to have. So it's hard for me to admit that I'm not cool enough to think my wife is hot the way she is.

When almost any girl you see is hotter to you than your wife... what the fuck do you do? When the desire to be with someone who actually turns you on is overwhelming... what the fuck do you do? When people you find attractive, women and men, hit on you all the time... what the fuck do you do?

What would YOU do??


Anonymous said...

My wife is SO FAT and never wants sex-- that's why I have a girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

I feel he same way about my husbands weight gain. Even after gaining 30 lbs through pregnancy, I have lost it all and then some. I'm back down to my petite stature and work hard to maintain it.

On the flip side, he also gained 30 lbs during my pregancy (four years ago) and has not only NOT lost it, but has in fact gained more.

I'm honestly not attracted to the man he has become. :(

Anonymous said...

there's a solution here:
the guy married 10 years and the woman married to the fat guy should divorce their spouces and marry each other!!!!
HA! I'm good!

Anonymous said...